Archive for the ‘Presenters’ Category

Don’t Be Shy About BMI

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

Hypothetical: A theatrical production company would like to produce a tribute musical production to a songwriter using only the songwriter’s music being performed by the cast of the production. The production would be held at a community theater which is not licensed by ASCAP or any licensing authority. The production company is unsure of its legal standing in carrying out this this production, and would like some general guidance. Where could they go to determine the requirements, if any.

If any? There are always requirements. I don’t know anything that doesn’t require something in return.

The production company has no legal standing to carry out this production without first obtaining the necessary licenses. If the songs are being performed as part of a “concert” style performance—that is, being sung without props or costumes and not as part of any plot, story, or narrative—then the producer would merely need to get a performance license from whichever one of the three major performance license agencies the songwriter belongs to: ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC. If the songwriter doesn’t belong to one of these (which is unlikely, but possible), then the licenses would need to be obtained from the songwriter directly.

It doesn’t matter whether or not the performance is being held at a community theater or whether or not the community theater holds a license with ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC. Performance licenses must still be obtained and either you (hypothetically, of course) or the theater must obtain them. There is no legal requirement that the venue be the one to obtain performance licenses. While its probably easier for the venue to obtain the licenses, it is the responsibility of all of the parties involved in a production—from the producer and performers to the venues and agents—to ensure that someone obtains the necessary licenses. Otherwise, everyone will be held responsible and, hypothetically, you don’t want that. Also, if this is a production which the production company envisions producing elsewhere, then it probably makes more sense for the production company to get the licenses itself.

If the production company wants to obtain the licenses, it would simply contact ASCAP, BMI, or SESEC directly. However, there are a few additional issues that could quickly change the simple to the sublimely complex:

1) If what you are “hypothetically” envisioning is not so much a concert “tribute”, but, rather, a “juke box musical” where the songs of one composer are used as the score of an actual musical drama or to tell a story (ie: Mamma Mia, Jersey Boys or Beautiful), then neither ASCAP, BMI or SESAC can help you. You will need dramatic licenses, not performance licenses. Dramatic licenses must be obtained directly from the songwriter or the songwriter’s publisher. If this is the case, you should be prepared for a resounding and thunderous “no.”

2) Even if you are planning a more traditional concert tribute such as Side-by-Side-by-Sondheim or An Evening of Andrew Lloyd Webber, many musical theater and other composers have restrictions preventing more than a specific number of their works from being performed as part of the same concert without obtaining additional rights directly from the publisher.

Nevertheless, contacting ASCAP, BMI and/or SESAC is always the best place to start on any licensing journey. Don’t be shy. They want to have their artists’ works get performed as much as you want to perform them. However, they also want to make sure their artists get paid, just like you do. Assuming, of course, that the production company expects to sell tickets, if any.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


The Damaging Truth About Cancellation Damages

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

A presenter wants to breach our engagement contract by cancelling. Our cancellation clause says that, in the event of cancellation, we get 50% of the engagement fee or actual damages. They are offering 50%, but at this stage want the full fee.

If you have an engagement contract that has a cancellation clause, and a presenter cancels, then the presenter is not breaching your contract. A contract breach only occurs when someone fails to do something the contract requires (such as pay a deposit) or does something the contract does not permit (such as record a performance). In this case, if your contract has a cancellation clause, then you have given the presenter the right to cancel. So long as the presenter complies with the terms of your cancellation clause, then they are not in breach. They are merely exercising the right you gave them to cancel. If you don’t want them to cancel, don’t give them the right to do so.

According to your cancellation clause, if a presenter elects to cancel, they have to pay you either 50% of the engagement fee or actual damages. However, your actual damages may or may not be the full engagement fee. To determine whether or not you are entitled to the full engagement fee, you first have to calculate your “actual damages.” Actual damages are simply that: your actual out-of-pocket losses from the cancellation of that particular engagement. No more. No less. Calculating “actual damages” involves taking the full engagement fee and subtracting any costs or amounts you saved or did not incur as a result of not having to perform.

In some instances, the “full engagement fee” might include the performance fee as well as other costs, such as the value of travel and/or hotel that the presenter was covering. However, for the sake of simplicity, let’s assume that the full engagement fee was $5000, of which you needed $2000 to cover costs such as travel and equipment, leaving $3000 for profit. If by cancelling, you did not have to incur the travel and equipment costs, that means you saved $2000, and your “actual damages” are $3000. You would only be entitled to the full fee of $5000 if the engagement were cancelled too late for you to save or recoup any of your costs.

However, “actual damages” can never exceed the total value of the full engagement fee. As we all know, sometimes a single cancellation in a larger tour can also have residual implications. What if you were counting on the travel and hotel from a larger presenter to “underwrite” the costs of a smaller engagement fee from another presenter or run-out? If the larger engagement gets cancelled, that may necessitate the cancellation of the smaller one as well, or even the entire tour. Sadly, those losses are not “actual damages.” That’s just called bad planning.

Just because you were counting on something to make an entire tour break even, does make the loss “actual damages.” If the loss of a single engagement will trigger a domino effect, such as the cancellation of the entire tour, then, in addition to “actual damages”, you have suffered “consequential damages.” I know, that doesn’t make sense, but lawyers came up with these concepts hundreds of years ago and contracts still use the same broken terminology. This is the risk inherent in using contractual language you copy from someone else or don’t fully understand. You may inadvertently be using language that makes sense to you, but has a different legal meaning. The solution is simple: use English and be specific—even if it means (perish the thought!) using more words. For example, rather than write “we get 50% or actual damages” write what you mean:

If you cancel the contract, we get either a minimum of 50% of the engagement fee or all of the damages we actual incur as a result of the cancellation, including the cancellation of other engagements and/or any additional costs we must incur for travel, hotel, or other tour expenses, whichever is greater.

Wordier? Yes. Clearer? Indeed. An even clearer solution? Specify at the outset that the engagement is non-cancellable.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!





The Divine Right To Cancel

Thursday, February 12th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

We were in the process of booking one of our singers with an orchestra, when we encountered the following Force Majeure clause in the orchestra’s contract: “If, as a result of any event beyond the control of the Orchestra, including, but not limited to, war, national calamity, strike, labor relations, lack of funds, poor ticket sales, or other Acts of God or force majeure of any kind or nature, Orchestra determines it necessary to suspend, cancel, or terminate the giving of any of the performances specified herein, then the Orchestra, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to do so by giving notice to the Artist. Upon such notice, the Orchestra and Artist shall be relieved from any further obligations under this Agreement without any liability of either party to the other for any damages arising from such suspension, cancelation, or termination.” We asked if they would strike the reference to “lack of funds” and “poor ticket sales”, but we were told that their contracts must be approved by their board of directors and, as such, nothing can be changed. Have you encountered this before? Do you have any advice on how to respond?   

Telling someone that a contract cannot be changed because their board of directors says it can’t be changed is the equivalent of a parent telling a child “because I said so.” As I am frequently reminded when faced with the manifest irrationalities of my own parents: do not engage and back away.

I actually don’t doubt that the orchestra’s board of directors did, in fact, suggest and recommend such language. It’s just the type of thing a poorly formed board of wealthy corporate donors with no actual arts experience would come up with. (It brings to mind an occasion when I was called in to consult with a board of directors who was insisting that no season could be planned or programmed unless the artistic director was willing to guarantee exactly how many tickets would be sold to each performance!) Regardless, such language is absurd and quite frankly, insulting and unprofessional.

It is absurd because, as I have previously written, a force majeure clause is supposed to be limited to events truly beyond anyone’s control: floods, snowstorms, terrorist attacks, etc. Ticket sales and funding are not determined either by serendipity or the intervention of divine energies (though I often suspect many strategic plans are based on such notions.) I find it insulting and unprofessional because the orchestra’s board of directors is trying to obfuscate a cancellation provision under the pretext of a force majeure clause. By defining force majeure to include “lack of funds” and “poor ticket sales” the orchestra is attempting to give itself the luxury of being able to cancel at any time for any reason with no liability or consequence. Contractually, this would render the Agreement terminable at will by the orchestra and, thus, meaningless for the Artist.

As a compromise, I would propose amending the force majeure clause and adding to the agreement a proper cancellation clause whereby, if the Orchestra felt that it needed to cancel due to “lack of funds” or “poor ticket sales” then they would have the right to do so by paying a specific, pre-determined cancellation fee. If the orchestra refuses such a reasonable alternative, then I would simply thank the orchestra for its time and walk away.

I realize, of course, that, in practical terms, artists are not always in a position to walk away. Just like good art always requires risk, occasionally this applies to deals and negotiations as well. Perhaps the artist is young and needs engagements. Or perhaps the engagement presents an artistic or resume-building opportunity to the artist. Those might be reasonable reasons to take a risk. However, such risky transactions must be entered into with eyes wide open as opposed to wide shut. As the artist’s manager, it falls to you to make sure the artist understands the risks and that both of you understand that, should the orchestra avail itself of its contractually unfettered right to cancel, you will accept that and, whilst reserving the right to swoon, sway, and cry foul, resist the temptation to threaten a frivolous lawsuit.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


When Happy Cookies Lead To Bad Decisions!

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

We recently had an incident where the Executive Director of an organization that presented one of our artists gave him a cookie with a controlled substance in it at a reception after the performance. Admittedly, the substance was legal in the presenter’s state, but it made the artist (who was young and didn’t think to ask) very ill. The artist recovered and because nothing serious happened, we didn’t want to make too big of a deal out of it because we frequently book artists with this presenter. However, it got us thinking, are we liable if someone injures one of our artists at an engagement?

As you can imagine, while we have the privilege of working with some of the most respected professionals in the arts industry, we are also often confronted with the denizens of the lower fathoms of the gene pool: from the children’s theater who knowingly hired an actor listed on a sexual predator list (because the Artistic Director agreed to “keep an eye on him”!) to a diva who offered an immigration officer sexual favors in exchange for letting her into the US without a visa (cash would have been more prudent!) And now, we can nominate this Executive Director for this year’s award. He or she has demonstrated not merely a lack of judgment, but a lack of common sense at the most basic and rudimentary level, putting everyone at risk.

Offering an artist, or anyone, candy or food containing any substance not reasonably expected to be in food not only constitutes a reckless disregard for safety, but could also constitute criminal negligence. What if the artist had been on medication that interacted with the illegal substance? Or what if the artist had an allergy? Had, God forbid, the artist died as a result, this would have constituted a felony. It has nothing to do about the legality or illegality of the particular substance. Glass is legal, but you can’t put broken glass into a cupcake without a label saying “Warning, this cupcake contains bits of glass.” The fact that the artist was young and didn’t think to ask is also irrelevant. No one, child or adult, is expected to ask: “Excuse me, are their drugs in this cookie?” It’s one thing if someone is allergic to peanuts or is lactose intolerant. More or less, it’s up to them to make the necessary enquiries. However, it’s another scenario entirely if someone is offered aspirin, snake venom, staples, paper clips, or bat wings—all of which are legal substances—masquerading as common baked goods.

It’s great that the artist recovered and was not seriously ill. And I’m not suggesting that you overreact. However, you also can’t simply ignore the situation. Moreover, as an artist representative with a legal, as well as moral and ethical, duty to protect the interests of your artist above all others, which do you think takes precedence: your own, personal and professional relationship with the presenter or the fact that the presenter could have killed your artist? (Don’t answer this. Its rhetorical.)

You are not liable if one of your artists gets injured at an engagement unless you knowingly expose them to a risk, disregard a negligent or dangerous situation, or otherwise fail to exercise a reasonable duty of care. Assuming you or your organization had no reason to suspect that the Executive Director was dabbling in kitchen chemistry, then you would not be liable. However, should you book another artist with this presenter, and should this same Executive Director offer another artist a “happy cookie”, causing another artist to get sick, and you failed to warn your artist in advance not to eat anything, then by disregarding the prior situation, and knowingly exposing your artist to a potentially dangerous encounter, not only would your organization be liable, but you could be personally liable as well.

At the very least, assuming the presenting organization is a non-profit, you should contact the Chairman of the Board and let them know what happened. It would then be the responsibility of the Board of Directors either to fire the Executive Director or take steps to prevent a future occurrence. If the board decides that having an Executive Director who makes terrible decisions is the right person for the post of ultimate decision maker, and this happens again, then not only would the presenting organization be liable, but the individual members of its Board of Directors could be liable as well. Arts organizations, both for-profit and non-profit, should be organizations that foster, encourage, and support the very best and brightest in our industry, not refuges that provide job security to those who simply can’t find employment elsewhere.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


Presenting: What’s In A Name?

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

I work for a small performing arts organization which performs each year in a tax-payer funded, non-traditional space. The venue makes itself available for rental as an event space. In the past, we have been allowed to pay them a reduced rental rate in exchange for a full-page ad in our program and recognition as a lead sponsor. Additionally, we regularly receive glowing reviews in local and national media that prominently feature color photos and positive mentions of the venue, which our audiences and reviewers (and we!) view as critical to our work and to our experience.  This year they have asked for additional money in order to cover what they claim are increased maintenance costs. This would be a significant burden for us, as we are a small non-profit and we are already cutting expenses. We did not budget or anticipate an increase rental fee. They have suggested that they will waive the fee increase if we agree to bill them as a “presenter.” We are certainly open to the idea, but would like to understand what “presenter” typically means in this context. What would that word represent to our audiences and other organizations? What could we reasonably ask of them, financially or otherwise, in exchange for such billing? The venue does not produce, and rarely hosts other arts performances.

“Presenter” is one of those performing arts industry terms that can take on many different connotations and meanings depending upon the context and whom you ask. Legally, on its own, it is not self-defining. Like terms such as “hold”, “commission”, or “cancellation”, there is no official grimoire of terms or official definitions that are “industry standard.”  Contractually, it means whatever the specific parties agree it means.

The better, or, should I say, more meaningful question is what implications listing them as a “presenter” would have in the minds of third parties critical to you and your organization, such as your audience, reviewers, and donors.  In this context, the term “presenter” becomes more of a branding or marketing issue than anything else.

For most folks within the performing arts industry, being a “presenter” carries a curatorial implication. A presenter is usually perceived as an individual or organization that has used its own artistic judgment to select a production or performance that reflects its mission, has artistic merit, and meets the standards expected of the presenting venue or institution.  However, the general public typically approaches this far differently.

Many venues produce and present performances as well as rent their spaces out to others. Most people do not realize this, much less make a distinction—or even care. Whether the Vienna Philharmonic performs at Carnegie Hall or Applebees, the average audience member, rightly or wrongly, usually assumes that wherever they are physically sitting at the time is the entity that is responsible for producing or presenting the performance they are watching. (Chicken wings and Mozart—what a concept!) Its sort of like blaming the waiter for over-cooking your steak—whoever presents the meal will enjoy the credit or the blame.

If your venue is asking to be billed as a “presenter” then it probably means they want to be seen as having discriminating tastes in deciding whom to allow to pay their rental fee. Perhaps they want to leverage some artistic credibility for marketing purposes or perhaps they are simply trying to justify their public funding by showing that they are more than just a commercial rental space. Either way, they obviously want to ride your coat tails. Fine. You wouldn’t be the first entity to leverage a little artistic integrity in exchange for survival. By acknowledging them as a lead sponsor, your audience has probably been giving the venue credit for the success of your performances anyway. Just make sure that your program, credits, billing, and other marketing materials continue to emphasize that it is you and your artistic team that are responsible for your work. And make sure that your written agreement with them clearly specifies the exact wording of the billing they will receive. Leave nothing to misinterpretation or chance. You might even ask to have approval over any marketing or publicity the venue issues on its own.

As for what you could reasonably ask of them, financially or otherwise, in exchange for such billing: There is nothing to “ask.” They have already set the price. You would agree to credit them as a presenter in exchange for letting you rent the space for a lower fee. Now is not the time for counter offers to try and get further concessions from them. Your immediate goal should be to avoid having to find a new venue or spend money you didn’t budget for, not win a negotiation challenge on “The Apprentice.”



We will be taking a short break from the blog until January 7, 2015. 

Please click on the photo to enjoy our gift to you. 

GG Holiday 2014

Presenting the Dancing GG Arts Law Holiday Elves: Brian, Robyn and Ann


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!



Whose Lawsuit Is It Anyway?

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

I’m dealing with a presenter who wants to cancel two weeks out due to poor ticket sales. While it’s not a huge engagement fee, my artist has already contracted its performers and paid out expenses for the date as its part of a bigger tour. I have a cancelation clause in my contract and I’ve explained what canceling would mean and that the presenter will be on the hook. However, he still wants to cancel. Its been a rough year and I can’t afford legal counsel. Do you have any suggestions?

At least the presenter is not trying to claim that poor ticket sales constitutes an act of God. While I am familiar with many organizations whose strategic plans require some degree of divine intervention to stay operational, God rarely takes an interest in ticket sales.

If you have a cancellation clause in your contract, then that will govern the legal remedies for the situation. Contractually, the presenter either has the option of either proceeding with the engagement or cancelling and abiding by the terms of the cancellation clause (which, I am hoping, spells out how much the artist is owed in the event of cancellation). If the presenter elects to cancel, but refuses to honour the terms of the cancellation clause, that would constitute a breach of contract…which really just gives the artist the right to sue the presenter, obtain a judgment, and, hopefully, collect the judgment. Whether or not attorney fees, interest, or court costs would also be part of the judgment depends on the terms of your contract as a judge has no authority to awards such costs unless the contract requires them. However, regardless of the terms of your contract, a lawsuit should always be the last resort under any circumstances.

Have you tried discussing with the presenter any solutions for increasing ticket sales or promoting the performance? Does your artist’s shows typically sell at the last minute? Has the artist ever performed in this market before? Don’t presume the presenter knows its own market or how to sell your artist in that market better than you do. You may have ideas for selling tickets that the presenter has not considered.

Is the person you are dealing with the final decision maker in the organization? If not, don’t hesitate to go over their head. Don’t threaten—just do it! If the presenter is a non-profit organization, then even the president or executive director reports to the board of directors. Contact the board president or an officer of the board. Often board members are far less cavalier about breaching contracts than an organization’s administrative staff. Its very possible that the board doesn’t even know about the situation as many presidents and CEOs are quite proficient at keeping their boards on a need-to-know basis.

If the presenter refuses to honour the cancellation clause, resist the urge to scream, threaten anyone’s reputation, or toilet paper the venue. While tempting, those options rarely work and will almost always make the situation worse. Ultimately, the decision as to whether or not to file a lawsuit, along with costs and expenses of filing the lawsuit, belong to your artist, not to you. Regardless of whether or not you signed the contract, if the contract is between the presenter and your artist, then all legal claims belong to the artist and only the artist can file a lawsuit and appear in court. You should not be paying or incurring any legal fees out of your own pocket. Unless you, too, are operating as a charitable institution, if the artist wants to pursue a lawsuit, that is their cost burden to bear, not yours.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


The Recipe For Confusion

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

We obtained a three year O-1 visa for one of our artists. We are the artist’s agent and served as his petitioner. A large venue wants to book the artist, but they are insisting that, according to their finance department, they cannot pay us as the artist’s agent and that they must pay the artist directly as an employee of the venue. While we are willing to agree to this, the venue is also insisting that, because they must pay the artist directly, we either must file an amended petition specifically naming the venue as an employer or file a separate petition just for the venue.

Whether its dealing with visas, taxes, or employment issues, we here at GG Arts Law often find ourselves in loggerheads with CFOs, finance departments, HR directors, and others, especially at large venues and organizations, who seem to use the same recipe when developing policies and directives: Take one very broad workshop which they attended several years ago and is now outdated, add an opinion from a board or volunteer attorney who doesn’t actually specialize in the topic at issue, stir in some research done by an intern, mix well with incorrect anecdotes from peers and colleagues, add a dash of ego, bake well, and insist this is the law.

In your particular situation, the venue appears to be confusing several key concepts: (1) the nature of itinerary based visas for artists; (2) the ability to add additional engagements when an artist is on an itinerary based visa; and (3) the relationship (or lack thereof) between employment law and immigration law.

Itinerary Based Visas:

Most immigration scenarios contemplate a single employer submitting a petition on behalf of a non-US individual whom they wish to hire. In those instances, the employer submits an I-129 petition to USCIS and, once approved, the name of the employer will appear on the I-797 approval notice authorizing the individual to work for the employer. If the individual wants to work for more than one employer, then each employer needs to submit its own I-129 petition.

However, there is an exception for artists: The applicable immigration regulations recognize that O-1 artists of “extraordinary ability” typically come to the US to perform “on tour” and, thus, will have multiple employers who hire them to perform. In such cases, a single petition may be filed with USCIS covering all of the artist’s engagements with multiple employers in the US. These are known as “itinerary-based” O-1 visas because, as opposed to covering a single performance, the petition includes an “itinerary” of performances and engagements with multiple employers.

So, for example, let’s say that an opera singer is hired to perform at the Metropolitan Opera, San Francisco Opera, and Seattle Opera. While each venue could certainly file its own, separate I-129 petition, the Metropolitan Opera could be designated as the singers “agent” and submit a single petition on which it also lists the singer’s engagements at San Francisco Opera and Seattle Opera. As the petitioner, only the Metropolitan Opera’s name would appear on the I-797 approval notice. However, because all three venues were listed on the singer’s “itinerary” the singer would be authorized to perform for all three. Alternatively, if the singer had an actual US agent or manager, the singer’s agent could serve as the petitioner and serve as the petitioner and submit a single I-129 petition to cover all three engagements. Again, as the petitioner, only the agent’s name would appear on the I-797 approval notice. However, because all three venues were listed on the singer’s “itinerary”, the artist would be authorized to perform for all three.

Adding Additional Engagements:

Continuing with this example, let’s suppose that after the singer arrived in the US, the singer was contacted by Washington Opera and asked to replace another singer who fell into the orchestra pit and can no longer perform the role. This last minute engagement would take place between the singer’s engagement with San Francisco Opera and Seattle Opera. Does Washington Opera have to file its own separate I-129 petition? No. Does the petitioner of the singer’s original I-129 petition have to file an amended petition “adding” this new engagement? No. Provided that additional engagements occur within an artist’s approved or existing O-1 classification period, and provided that the engagements or services are consistent with the artist’s O-1 qualifications (ie: performing, teaching, master classes, residencies, etc.), the artist is legally permitted to add and perform such additional engagements without the necessity of anyone filing an amended petition or otherwise notifying USCIS of the additional employers. The triggering factor is whether or not an artist was on an itinerary based visa with multiple employers to begin with. (By contrast, if an artist wants to add an engagement or performance that would take place after the period of the artist’s approved or existing O-1 classification period, that would require a new or amended O-1 petition to be filed.)

The Immigration Implications of the Employment Relationship:

Many people see the word “employer” used throughout US Immigration Law and its applicable regulations and presume that it has the same connotations as when used in the context of a traditional “employer-employee” relationship. It does not—particularly in the context of O and P artist visas. US Immigration Law uses the term “employer”, at least in the context of O and P artist visas, to refer to anyone who hires or engages the services of an artist in any capacity regardless of how the employment relationship is structured. A petitioner is neither presumed nor required to be the artist’s actual employer under any circumstances. Moreover, it doesn’t matter who pays whom or whether the artist is paid as an independent contractor or an employee, or even whether the artist is paid at all. This is because US immigration law does not use payment, or lack thereof, as a determinative factor in whether or not an artist requires an O or P visa. If an artist performs in front of an audience or otherwise provides professional artistic services in the US, such artist is required to have either an O or P visa regardless of whether or not the artist is paid, tickets are sold, or the artist receives any compensation from any source directly or indirectly. Thus, while the petitioner of an itinerary based I-129 O-1 petition can also serve in the dual role of one the artist’s employers, there is no requirement under any aspect of applicable immigration law that the petitioner actually serve as one of the artist’s employers, much less that all employment and payments go through the petitioner, or anyone else for that matter.

In short, so long as the artist is on a valid, itinerary-based O-1 visa, anyone can hire and pay the artist, directly or indirectly. Who pays the artist and how are all contractual issues to be negotiated between the parties and not immigration issues.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

The Lost Art of Negotiation

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

A longtime friend who is also a very successful artist who I greatly respect, asked me to do a project with him. He sent me a contract, but it doesn’t cover things like when and how I get paid. I want to mark up the contract and suggest some language, but I also don’t want to offend him and have him think I am being too difficult to work with and ungrateful for this opportunity. Is there some specific language I can put in the contract that he won’t find offensive, but will still protect me?   

I had a client of mine call me today about a contract she had sent to a promoter who then struck out a specific term that my client needed and sent the contract back to her. Frustrated and desperate to make the deal happen, she wanted me to suggest another way to phrase the term in such a way that the promoter would agree to it. Both you and my client are asking very legitimate questions, but the answers have little to do with contracts and everything to do with business and negotiation skills.

Contracts exist to memorialize an agreement. You can’t memorialize something that doesn’t exist yet. That’s like trying to take a photograph of a place you’ve never been. Before a contract can be properly drafted, much less signed, the parties have to discuss all of the key terms. While you can certainly use a contract to begin the discussion, you can’t avoid the discussion by simply crossing out terms you don’t like and inserting the ones you do. More importantly, there are no magic words, standard terms, or compelling phrases that will take the place of the need to discuss and negotiate.

Too many people in our industry try to use a contract to avoid negotiation—most often for the very reasons you mention: they are too scared of offending the other party, of not getting the terms they need, or of losing a deal or opportunity they really want. However, if you approach a negotiation as a game of deception in which the goal is to use illusive or even deceptively simplistic language or aggressive tactics to cajole the other party into agreeing to something unreasonable or something to your advantage which they would not otherwise agree to (ie: Lawyering 101), then you most certainly should expect the other side to be offended and deserve to lose the deal. On the other hand, if the other party is offended by a legitimate expression of your concerns, sincere questions about a specific term, or proposals that would clarify something you find confusing, then its probably either a deal you don’t want in the first place or a party you don’t want to work with. Just as importantly, if someone doesn’t agree with a term you want, they are not going to agree no matter how you phrase it. Phrasing the same thing in a different way isn’t going to help either. Even if you manage to word it in such a way that they can’t tell what they are agreeing to (what a lot of people refer to as “legalese”), then you’ll have to sue them to enforce it. Instead, you’ll either need to negotiate a compromise or evaluate whether or not the deal is equally advantageous to you without that term.

I have been to many purported lectures on negotiation at arts conferences, only to find that the lecture was really just about how to get presenters to book artists. That’s important, of course, but the real art of negotiation involves far more than discussing date, time and fee. Whether it is a commission, a booking, a production, or a recording, you must discuss and negotiate not just the artistic and logistical elements, but all of those nasty and boring business elements as well—such as liability, insurance, rights, licenses, approvals, exclusivity, taxes, visas, etc. If you are unfamiliar with the necessary business elements of a deal, the time to learn them is before you negotiate, not during the process.

A negotiation does not mean you will get what you want. Rather, a negotiation is a process that allows you to evaluate whether or not you will get what you need. Some opportunities are just that—opportunities—and a good opportunity may require you to accept some risk. But without taking the time to talk and discuss, you won’t have the information you need to access that risk properly. In other words, the negotiation process will save you from disappointment and frustration later on.

As for an answer to your specific question, I would say: Protect you from what? If your “longtime friend who is also a very successful artist who [you] greatly respect” breaches your contract, are you prepared to sue him? I thought not. I suggest you call your friend and ask him when and how you get paid. Don’t ever be scared to ask a legitimate question—especially when dealing with a friend. In the bi-polar cocktail of simultaneous love and resentment we call the arts world, doing business with friends demands an even higher degree of mindful discussion than doing business with strangers.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!



The Hogwarts School of Contracting and Wizardry

Thursday, May 15th, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder

I had a signed agreement with a promoter to present my artist. The contract provided for two deposits and a final payment on the day of the performance. I worked for over a year with this promoter to put this deal together. Not only did he not pay either of the deposits, but one month before the performance, he called to say he hadn’t sold enough tickets and that it was no longer economically feasible. And he is refusing to pay the money he owes. What am I supposed to do? Sue him? Why should I have to spend the time and money to sue him when we have a signed contract? What’s the point of having a contract in the first place if its not going to protect me?

For many years now I have been climbing the stairs to my secret laboratory trying to create the self-enforcing contract. Upon anyone breaching the terms of such a contract, a magical enforcement beast will materialize, forcing the breaching party into compliance. Sadly, my efforts thus far have proven unsuccessful, resulting only in a few sparks, a bit of ectoplasm still dripping from the ceiling, and a hapless paralegal I may have inadvertently turned into a newt. Until I perfect my spells and enchantments, you’ll have to settle for the fact that contracts are only as valuable as the time, effort, and common sense that goes into them. They do not exist in a vacuum. They do not self-enforce.

The point of a contract is not to get signatures on some form or template littered with extraneous terms that everyone believes are “industry standard”, but no one really reads or understands, in the hopes that it will somehow, in and of itself, stalwartly protect you from the other party cancelling your engagement, refusing to pay, or performing any other courser of unpleasantness. Rather, the point of a contract is the opportunity it creates for you to enter into deals, negotiations, collaborations, engagements, and other relationships knowingly and intelligently. Among other things, it allows you to make sure everyone is on the same page (ie: Do you define net profits the same way I define net profits? Can I cancel if I don’t sell enough tickets?). It allows you to create benchmarks by which you can judge performance and good will (ie: Did the other party pay the deposit on time? Did the check clear?). It allows you to “test the waters” before jumping into a new relationship by first seeing if you and the other party can work together to resolve differences and challenges in the creation of the relationship in the first place.

Sometimes, having a contract can also provide you with leverage. If you can point out that the other party clearly did or didn’t do something which they clearly agreed to do or not do, that pressure alone can often be enough to force compliance. However, if the leverage doesn’t work, you are ultimately left with the sobering fact that the only way to enforce a breached contract is though a lawsuit (or arbitration, if your contract provided for that.) Even then, if you win a lawsuit, you still have to collect the money. A judgment does not automatically guarantee payment. (I’m working on a self-paying judgment, too, as soon as figure out how to change lead into gold.)

The key is not to let the situation get to the enforcement stage in the first place. While some contractual breaches are unavoidable, most are the result of one the parties ignoring warning signs or not taking advantage of the contractual process. For example, a recent client of mine negotiated the terms of an engagement which included the standard items such as dates, time, repertoire, and fees. Everyone agreed. However, when she sent the contract to the presenter, the presenter discovered that the artist expected additional costs to be paid for transportation. My client, on the other hand, discovered that the presenter wanted the artist to obtain insurance to cover all the members of his orchestra. Neither of these topics had been discovered during the initial discussions. Fortunately, both my client and the presenter took the time to read the contract. Even more fortunately, both parties scheduled a time to talk about their respective concerns, worked out compromises, re-drafted the contract, and everything worked out great. Similarly, I was recently negotiation a recording contract on behalf of an artist. When I tried to discuss certain contractual discrepancies and concerns with the other party, rather than engage in solutions, they merely insisted I should trust them and enter into the deal based on “good faith.” That made me trust them even less. My artist really wanted this deal, but I convinced them not to take the risk. In the end, we wound up finding a better deal.

In your case, if your contract provided for two deposits, and the promoter didn’t pay either one, at what point did you not realize that this train was going to jump the tracks? That’s like sending off a contract, not getting a response back from the presenter or manager, having the other party  ignore your phone calls and emails, and the pretending to be shocked to find out the deal is being cancelled…you can’t cancel what was never a deal in the first place. At the time the deadline for the first deposit came and went, that was your time to stop and evaluate whether or not to proceed. If, your professional judgment, it was worth waiting until the second deposit was due, great. However, by the time the second deposit deadline came, that should have been the time to bail. If you decided to rely solely on the contract to protect you, then you were also accepting the fact that if the presenter didn’t pay or cancelled at the last minute, you would have to enforce payment by filing a lawsuit. There are many times that rolling the dice makes legitimate business sense, but you have to accept that for what it is—gambling. Unless you want to incur legal fees and court costs, not to mention lost time, if you gamble and lose, move on.

This is inherently a risky business. Contracts allow you evaluate and, in some instances, minimalize risk, but never eliminate it. Only you can protect you. You and a little pixie dust.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


Hypothetically Speaking About Liability

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

If a hypothetical rental company is hired, either by a venue or by the client using a venue, to supply the sound and/or video system for a corporate, non-profit or association event; and this hypothetical rental company is asked to provide “top 40” music to be used during “walk in”, dinner, award winner walks up to the stage, etc. where in the liability chain would this rental company be? What if the end client hands the hypothetical rental company a stack of CD’s or worse, a drive full of MP3’s and requests/insists that they be played? If “ultimately” the owner of the venue is responsible of verifying that proper licensing has been obtained but “everyone involved” is at risk of being named in a lawsuit if proper licensing has not been obtained, how does the vendor in the middle point to either the venue or the end client as the responsible parties?  Is it enough to spell out specific language in the rental agreement? <sarcasm> I know that you are, no doubt, shocked to hear that this scenario might be possible.  However, IF it were to become “common practice” among rental companies to happily play whatever they and/or their client wanted without so much as a hesitation, it would be difficult for any hypothetical rental company to compete if they were the one’s constantly harping on usage rights with their clients. </sarcasm> 

In truth, I’m less shocked by the possibility of the scenario you propose than astonished—nay, agog—by your desire to be proactive about it—even hypothetically. It’s a welcome reprieve from the “let’s not call GG Arts Law until we’ve actually been sued by Disney” approach we are more familiar with.

Merely being named in a lawsuit doesn’t mean that you will necessarily be found responsible—or, as lawyers like to say “liable.” Liability requires that you had a duty to do, or not do, something which you did or did not do. In your hypothetical, its not entirely accurate to say that “ultimately the owner of the venue is responsible for verifying that the proper licensing has been obtained.” Rather, if licensing is required, everyone involved in the performance has a duty to make sure that the proper licenses are obtained—not just the owner of the venue, but the hypothetical rental company and the rental company’s client. Its more accurate to say that, while, ultimately, the owner of the venue is more likely to get sued, everyone involved could be held responsible.

However, you are correct that the hypothetical rental company can put language in its rental agreement that says that whomever is hiring the company (either the venue itself or the person renting the venue, or both) agrees to obtain all necessary licenses and, in the event the rental company is sued and found to be liable for copyright infringement, will cover all of its legal costs and expenses, as well as any damages it might be ordered to pay. The technical term for such a clause is “indemnification and hold harmless”, but there’s no need to use magic legal terms so long as the meaning is clear. While having such a clause in its rental agreement will neither protect the hypothetical rental company from getting sued nor protect it from being liable, it will give the company a contractual basis to turn to the party that signed the rental agreement and say “you agreed to take care of this problem. Fix it!”

Even with an indemnification and hold harmless clause in its pocket, whether or not the hypothetical rental company can happily play whatever it and/or its hypothetical client wanted without so much as a hesitation really depends on the venue where the company has been hired to provide services and where such venue lies on what I call the Risk-O-Meter.  On the low end of the meter lies most for-profit venues (hotels, rental halls, restaurants, conference centers, etc) which more often than not will have obtained the necessary blanket licenses from the major performance rights organizations (ASCAP, BMI and SESAC) to permit that stack of CD’s or a drive full of MP3’s to be played. So, no worries. On the high end you will find the non-profit venues, schools, community centers, and social halls which either don’t know they are supposed to get performance licenses or incorrectly believe that because they are non-profit they are also non-commercial and are exempt from the statutes, rules, laws, and other social orders by which the rest of us must abide. (While not all commercial venues are non-profit, almost all non-profit venues are also commercial.) Your need to harp on usage rights is directly proportionate to where you lie on the Risk-O-Meter—hypothetically speaking, of course.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!