June 16, 1917
Page 3

Amato, Botta, de Luca and Others Help in Sale of Subscriptions—Singers Prove Convincing as Salesmen and Incidentally Purchase Bonds for Themselves—Metropolitan Musical Bureau Scene of Lively Marketing

MUSICIANS discovered last week that they have a hitherto unsuspected art—the art of salesmanship. They made such good use of their new talent that thousands of dollars’ worth of Liberty Bonds have been subscribed for as a result of their efforts.
Pasquale Amato found that he is quite as convincing in the role of a salesman as in the operatic roles by which he has achieved fame. And similar discoveries were made by Rita Fornia and Luca Botta, who served with Mr. Amato as first sales force in the offices which the Metropolitan Music Bureau opened last week for the sale of Liberty Bonds in Æolian Hall.
Mr. Amato proved his faith in the goods he was offering by taking six $50 bonds before the day’s sales began, and his assistants also began their day by making liberal subscriptions. Mrs. F. C. Coppicus, wife of the Metropolitan Opera Company’s general secretary, took the first subscription from Mr. Amato. He sold his second one to Ernest Henkel, business manager of the Metropolitan.
It had been reported that many musical celebrities had not been approached on the question of buying bonds, so this opportunity to purchase was devised by their fellow artists. Among the artists to serve in the Liberty Bond booth during the week were Marie Tiffany, Thomas Chalmers, Giuseppe De Luca, Ernest Schelling, Mme. Andree Barlette, May Peterson, Alice Nielsen and Mischa Elman.
If the Liberty Bond issue is not oversubscribed it will be no fault of the musical and dramatic artists. In all the principal New York theaters there have been talks before the curtain, given by prominent business men or leading members of the company, on the necessity for prompt and generous subscriptions. Blanks passed through the audiences for signature and then given to theater attendants or mailed to the Liberty Loan committee brought the necessary forms to those wishing to subscribe. Prominent women, members of the Mayor’s Defense Committee, have served in the booths established in the department stores.
Workers in all branches of the arts have put aside their music or brush or chisel or pen to devote their efforts to stimulating a patriotic awakening to the grave needs of the hour.


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