August 18, 1917
Page 11
How the Musical Public Can Help In the Matter of Food Conservation
MUSICAL AMERICA has received from the Bureau of Trade and Technical Press Publicity for the Food Administration Campaign, at Washington, an appeal for co-operation in the matter of setting before the reading public reached by this periodical the necessity of intelligent and effective economy in the use of food-stuffs.
James H. Collins, editor of the bureau, the advisory committee of which includes the names of a number of distinguished editors and publishers of class papers, says:
“Every reader of a technical journal is a human being, of course, and eats food. Therefore, every one of your readers needs to be reminded regularly that this food edge is serious business—it may win or lose the war.”
If every reader of MUSICAL AMERICA were to do his or her part in this vital campaign the total result would be a remarkable factor in righting the economic situation. The requirements do not imply a great personal sacrifice. A strict observance of them will, in fact, improve the individual’s physical welfare.
These are the regulations made by Herbert Hoover, United States Food Administrator.”
United States Food Administration
SAVE THE WHEAT.—One wheat-less meal a day. Use corn, oatmeal, rye or barley bread and non-wheat breakfast foods. Order bread twenty-four hours in advance so your baker will not bake beyond his needs. Cut the loaf on the table and only as required. Use stale bread for cooking, toast, etc. Eat less cake and pastry. Our wheat harvest is far below normal. If each person weekly saves one pound of wheat flour that means 150,000,000 more bushels of wheat for the Allies to mix in their bread: This will help them to save DEMOCRACY.
SAVE THE MEAT.—Beef, mutton or pork not more than once daily. Use freely vegetables and fish. At the meat meal serve smaller portions, and stews instead of steaks. Make made-dishes of all left-overs. Do this and there will be meat enough for every one at a reasonable price. We are today killing the dairy cows and female calves as the result of high prices. Therefore, eat less and eat no young meat. If we save an ounce of meat each day per person, we will have additional supply equal to 2,200,000 cattle.
SAVE THE MILK. —The children must have milk. Use every drop. Use buttermilk and sour milk for cooking and making cottage cheese. Use less cream.
SAVE THE FATS. —We are the world’s greatest fat wasters. Fat is food. Butter is essential for the growth and health of children. Use butter on the table as usual, but not in cooking. Other fats are as good. Reduce use of fried foods. Save daily one-third ounce animal fats. Soap contains fats. Do not waste it. Make your own washing soap at home out of the saved fats. Use one-third ounce less per day of animal fat and 375,000 tons will be saved yearly.
SAVE THE SUGAR—Sugar is scarcer. We use today three times as much per person as our Allies. So there may be enough for all at reasonable price, use less candy and sweet drinks. Do not stint sugar in putting up fruit and jams. They will save butter. If everyone in America saves one ounce of sugar daily, it means 1,100,000 tons for the year.
SAVE THE FUEL. —Coal comes from a distance, and our railways are overburdened hauling war material. Help relieve them by burning fewer fires. Use wood when you can get it.
USE THE PERISHABLE FOODS. —Fruits and vegetables we have in abundance. As a nation we eat too little green stuffs. Double their use and improve your health. Store potatoes and other roots properly and they will keep. Begin now to can or dry all surplus garden products.
USE LOCAL SUPPLIES. —Patronize your local producer. Distance means money. Buy perishable food from the neighborhood nearest you and thus save transportation.
Buy less, serve smaller portions.
Preach the “Gospel of the Clean Plate.”
Don’t eat a fourth meal.
Don’t limit the plain food of growing children.
Watch out for the wastes in the Community.
Full garbage pails in America mean empty dinner pails in America and Europe.
If the more fortunate of our people will avoid waste and eat no more than they need, the high cost of living problem of the less fortunate will be solved.
Buy less, serve smaller portions.
Preach the “Gospel of the Clean Plate.”
Don’t eat a fourth meal.
Don’t limit the plain food of growing children.
Watch out for the wastes in the Community.
Full garbage pails in America mean empty dinner pails in America and Europe.
If the more fortunate of our people will avoid waste and eat no more than they need, the high cost of living problem of the less fortunate will be solved.