Students majoring in music, music education or music performance may compete for talent and need-based scholarships on the basis of letters of recommendation and audition/interview. Band and choral scholarships are available to both music and non-music majors. The music major scholarships range from $500 to $8,000 annually. For more information, contact the Department of Music, (336) 278-5600 or visit the Music website.
Lynn Freeman Olson Pedagogy Awards (odd-numbered years)
The National Federation of Music Clubs Lynn Freeman Olson Pedagogy Awards are open to applicants of all ages who have an undergraduate degree in piano. Applicants are required to submit evidence of acceptance for graduate study at a school/college/university and NFMC membership. Award: $5,000.
The National Federation of Music Clubs Myrtle Mehan/Hazel Morgan Music Education Scholarship is awarded annually to a college sophomore majoring in Music Education at a college or university which has a Music Education Department offering a degree in same. Award: $500. Must be postmarked no later than March 1 of the audition year.
The National Federation of Music Clubs Gretchen E. Van Roy Music Education Scholarship is awarded yearly to a college junior majoring in Music Education at an accredited college or university. Award: $1150. Paid to the school at the beginning of the recipient’s senior year. Must be postmarked no later than April 1 of the audition year.
The Young Singers Foundation provides scholarships, specifically to young women involved in the barbershop art form, to assist in the furtherance of their music education. Applicant must be be involved in barbershop activities or affiliated with Sweet Adelines International for a minimum of one year, have a GPA minimum of 3.5, and be an undergraduate music education or vocal pedagogy major at a four-year college or university and can provide verification of enrollment.
A grant of $2,500 is awarded to a member of Sigma Alpha Iota who is enrolled in a program leading to a doctoral degree. This grant is most applicable to students in the final stages of their program. An abstract of the member's dissertation/final project is required. Dissertations are acceptable in Music Education, Music Therapy, Musicology, Ethno-musicology, Theory, Psychology of Music, or Applied Research including Performance or Pedagogy.
A scholarship of $1,500 will be awarded to a member of SAI who has completed an undergraduate degree in music and has been accepted into or is continuing in an accredited graduate program leading to a masters or doctoral degree in music education. It is preferred that the candidate has had at least one year of teaching experience in a private or public school. Applicants without teaching experience must include a video of student teaching experience and references from her major professor and her student teacher advisor. Scholarships will be applied directly to recipient's tuition for program/school. One $1,500 scholarship will be awarded.
Dr. Robert Hawkins Memorial Scholarship, Eligibility: working toward a degree in instrumental (band) music education and attending a college/university in the United States. Deadline for receiving applications: September 1 - December 5.