For a Rhode Island resident or a student attending college in Rhode Island who is an organ music major. The Award is from $800-$1000.
The National Association of Pastoral Musicians offers several scholarships from their website for individuals studying church performance and worship arts. Applicants must be members of the association and awards vary between $3,000 and $1,000 per award.
Established in memory of Ruth Krehbiel Jacobs, founder of Choristers Guild, the Scholarship Fund provides financial aid to full time students preparing for church music ministry. An applicant must be a junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in music, who holds choral music with children and youth as a primary interest. Scholarship grants are given on the basis of academic merit, interest in church music (especially children's and youth choirs), and ministry of church music as a vocation.
The Texas Choral Directors Association annually awards scholarships to Texas college or university undergraduate music education or church music majors with 60 credit hours and at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 system, and to active TCDA members (three years of continuous active membership required) seeking assistance with higher education (graduate school or certification level workshops).
The United Methodist Dollars for Scholars program involves matching support from a student’s church, UMHEF, participating United Methodist-related schools and participating UMC Conference Foundations. You can apply for both the Named Endowed Scholarship and UM Dollars For Scholars Program through UMHEF, and we will provide you with the largest scholarship support.
Elizabeth Greiger Wiegand Sacred Music of the Faiths Award (odd-numbered years)
The National Federation of Music Clubs Elizabeth Greiger Wiegand Sacred Music of the Faiths Award of $600 is given to an individual between the ages of 16 and 26 (by March 1) of the audition year. The Award is in Choral Conducting, Piano, Organ or Voice for students majoring in Church Music. The applicant must be a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs and an American citizen or naturalized citizen. Selections are submitted on tape or CD.