The Home Coaching program encourages musicians who meet regularly as a group to engage a professional coach in order to gain musical insight, develop efficient rehearsal skills and exchange musical ideas. ACMP provides up to 50% of the coach's fee. Participants must be ACMP members.
Amateur Chamber Music Players Grants are awarded to subsidize coaches' salaries, to reduce registration fees, and/or to allow for scholarships. This is a competitive grant. Ongoing support for workshops that have previously received funding is not guaranteed - each request is reviewed on its own merits. Please provide a detailed description of outreach and activities in the application, with particular attention to who will attend the workshop, how they are reached, and what they will accomplish by attending. ACMP requires grant recipients to submit a report, including a financial statement indicating how the grant was used. Awards are disbursed following receipt of this detailed account.
The Paul R. Judy Center Grant provides funding for research and innovative projects in music. The fall grant cycle is open to all US-based musicians or musical arts organizations. The spring grant cycle will be reserved for Eastman students, alumni, faculty and staff, and the organizations they represent. Grants will range from $5000-$10,000. The Paul R. Judy Center for Innovation and Research is a division of the Institute for Music Leadership (IML) at the Eastman School of Music. The Center’s research and programming emphasizes the 21st Century evolution of the innovative ensemble, influenced by both the symphony orchestra and the chamber music traditions, with a focus on creative, artist-centered ensembles that reflect new models of artistic innovation, organizational relationships, and operational sustainability.
National Federation of Music Clubs Centennial Chamber Music Award (odd-numbered years)
The Centennial Chamber Music Award is a biennial award designed to recognize and reward professional chamber music ensembles that promote American music as verified through professional commercial recordings. To be eligible for the award, a recording must contain a majority of American music compositions and must be available for purchase in stores or through commercial media such as I-Tunes, Amazon, etc. Chamber music ensembles are not required to apply for this award as all current commercial recording are eligible for consideration. The selected chamber music ensemble will be notified by May 1st and the $1,000 award will be sent to the ensemble’s agent or to the ensemble.