July 24, 1920
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Los Angeles Philharmonic’s First Year One of Signal Achievement
Every Promise Made at Orchestra’s Inception Brilliantly Fulfilled—Educational Value of New Institution—Walter Henry Rothwell a Leader of the First Order—Ambitious Plans Announced for Second Season—Spring Tour to Bring Good Music to Western Communities
LOS ANGELES, Cal., July 16.—The newspapers of June 11, 1919, in Los Angeles, Cal., announced the founding of the new Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Angeles by W. A. Clark, Jr., citizen, musical student and philanthropist. A concise statement was made that a season of thirty weeks of symphonic music would be given, composed of twelve pairs of symphony concerts, fourteen popular concerts, twenty-one school and educational concerts, played by an organization of ninety men led by a noted conductor, presenting the best in orchestral literature, assisted by well-known vocal and instrumental soloists.
It was by no sudden determination that Mr. Clark had reached this decision. Through many years of careful study of the influence of such organizations in other cities, the methods of their operation, a clear knowledge of the needs of a great symphony orchestra had gradually developed.
The Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Angeles was formed to provide for Los Angeles the opportunity of possessing a symphonic organization that should be second to none, continuous in its work, unhampered in its means and scope, democratic in spirit, authoritative in its methods, to put within the reach of every class the best in the realm of music.
The year has passed; the promises made on June 11, 1919, have been fulfilled and in addition, a number of successful concerts have been given in Santa Barbara, Pasadena, Claremont, Fullerton, and in the colleges and schools of Southern California. In conjunction with the Los Angeles Oratorio Society “The Messiah” and “Elijah” have been performed. On Easter Sunday morning with the Hollywood Community Chorus, on Mt. Olive in Hollywood, a remarkable Easter service was given.
The season soloists included Clarence Whitehill, Rudolph Ganz, Albert Spalding, Helen Stanley, Cherniavsky Trio, Olga Steeb, Mme. Elizabeth Rothwell, Ilya Bronson, Leopold Godowsky, Alfred Kastner, Alice Gentle, Marie Tiffany, John Smallman, Sylvain Noack, Brahm Van den Berg, Sophie Braslau. Mildred Marsh, Maurine Dyer, Patricia Henshaw, Leo Ornstein and the Stanford Male Chorus.
The choice of Walter Henry Rothwell to guide the destinies of the Philharmonic of Los Angeles was a happy one, and the increase in attendance at each concert showed the enthusiasm and endorsement of the patrons. His programs have been of a very high order of musical excellence. Among the men good fellowship and harmony prevailed and a keen competition to accept the guidance of the leader.
That the playing of the orchestra impressed musicians no less than laymen is shown by such expressions as the following:
“In spite of its extreme youth the Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Angeles is already one of the best orchestras in America.” —PERCY GRAINGER
“The Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Angeles thrilled me and convinced me of its splendid authority.” —FLORENCE MACBETH.
“I thank you for the privilege and good fortune of appearing with the splendid Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Angeles.” —SOPHIE BRASLAU
Did space permit, many more comments of 1ike warmth by noted artists might be quoted.
The educational value of this institution cannot be estimated or the advertising value abroad of Los Angeles as a musical center. Over 40,000 auditors listened to the twelve pairs of symphony concerts; over 25,000 to the popular concerts; 30.000 school children were enlightened through special programs in public school auditoriums; 20,000 heard the concerts given throughout Southern California; 1600 student members of the public school orchestras were given the opportunity to study and hear the works of the great masters. The school teachers, during their Institute Week, were given two special programs. Over 120,000 auditors were present during sixty-four concerts, and 129 compositions were presented and 25 soloists heard. All concerts were given as planned, on dates announced, with soloists as scheduled, and lo capacity houses.
Rothwell’s Triumph
Walter Henry Rothwell, composer, student and conductor, can truly be said to have triumphed in Los Angeles. His remarkable powers as a conscientious drill master, interpreter and inspired leader place him in the front ranks of symphony conductors. His instantaneous success in Los Angeles led to his selection as conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra for a series of concerts now being given at the Stadium, New York.
The personnel of the Philharmonic is made up from the best musicians of California and the West, coupled with first chair men who have been assembled from the leading orchestras of America. Many of them for years have known only symphonic work, and are authorities on their chosen instruments. A number of solo instrumentalists have been added this season, carefully selected from the Eastern and European orchestras.
Early last season the capacity of Trinity Auditorium was tested by those seeking admission to the concerts, and, wishing to provide the best auditorium in Los Angeles the Philharmonic patrons, Mr. Clark acquired the lease of Clune’s Auditorium, which in future will be known as the Philharmonic Auditorium. Here will occur all concerts and rehearsals of the Philharmonic Orchestra.
In addition, the house will be used as the home of the L. E. Behymer attractions, the Ellis, Lyric and Orpheus Clubs, the Los Angeles Oratorio Society, the various local musical and artistic events, as well as housing grand opera, light opera, musical comedy, lectures, etc.
W. A. Clark, Jr., founder of the Philharmonic Orchestra, planned and built well. Being an excellent musician himself, an authority on composers and musical literature, a keen student of the drama, with his love of music and his fellowmen in his heart, he possessed the true vision of the component parts of his great offering and assembled them, not for a season but for many seasons.
The board of directors and advisory board have a single idea to carry out the ideals of the founder and obtain the greatest. musical good for the greatest number of patrons.
L. E. Behymer, the manager, possesses a managerial knowledge, extending over a period of thirty years that has placed him at the head of Western impresarios.
The board of directors of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Angeles are announcing the plans for the second symphony season to be given under the conductorship of Mr. Rothwell, beginning the afternoon of Nov. 5. The number of concerts to be given will be twelve pair of symphony concerts and twelve popular events, all given in Philharmonic Auditorium. The symphony series will be the most pretentious that has yet been offered here. The programs of the symphony concerts will be of the highest class, including not only the standard symphonic works but much that is new to the Western concert-goers. Mr. Rothwell will bring with him from Eastern music markets and European, importations new to the West.
Among the soloists for the second season are Josef Lhcvinne, Margaret Matzenauer, Jean Gerardy, Olga Steeb, May Peterson, Emilio de Gogorza, Elizabeth Rothwell, Theo Karle. Mischa Levitzki, Samuel Gardner and others to be announced later.
The Spring Tour
The Pacific Coast being so remote from Eastern musical centers, has depended wholly upon the traveling orchestras from the East and Middle West for symphonic music, often waiting several seasons for a visit of those organizations whose time, naturally, has been given to the cities nearest at hand.
In the spring of 1921, at the close of the second year, Mr. Clark has decided that the Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Angeles should make a comprehensive tour of five weeks, visiting the principal cities of the West, to and including Denver, from San Diego on the South to Victoria and Vancouver on the North. The entire personnel of the orchestra, with the solo members, traveling in a special train, will visit San Diego, Santa Barbara, Tucson, El Paso, Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Denver, Grand Junction, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Helena, Missoula, Walla Walla, Spokane, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Tacoma, Portland, Ashland, Bellingham, Eugene. Marysville, Sacramento, Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco, Stockton, Fresno and Bakersfield.
Special arrangements have been made for programs with many of the schools and colleges en route. Music festivals have been planned and the Los Angeles Philharmonic will become the touring Orchestra of the West, making annual visits to these points. Requests are coming in daily from many western cities which have never, on account of auditorium facilities or limited population, never been enabled to hear the great symphonies rendered by an adequate organization. Mr. Rothwell is planning a special program for each point visited. The soloists will be Sylvain Noack, Ilya Bronson, Alfred Kasttner, and other solo instrumentalists of the organization.