October 4, 1913
Page 15

That Is What Vienna Pays Him This Season— Johann Strauss's Life and Music to Be Reproduced on Latest Edison Invention—American Pianist in Vienna

VIENNA, Sept. 14.—The event of the coming week at the Hofoper will be the three Caruso appearances on the 15th, 18th and 21st in "Carmen," "Bohème" and "Rigoletto," the last opera to be sung in the Italian language. The famous tenor will receive 15,000 crowns (about $5,000) for each appearance. The proceeds from the sale of tickets, which have been very considerably raised in price, will go to swell the pension fund of the Hofoper. For the first performance there is already not a seat to be had.
Caruso is already in town, looking exceedingly well and sunburned, in the best of spirits and, as he avers, in the best of voice. He comes straight from Signa, his estate near Florence, where he rusticated in quiet with his two boys, receiving only a few very intimate friends, Puccini among them. As usual he voices his predilection for Vienna, a city to which he ascribes a peculiar charm.
Edison's latest wonderful invention, the "Cinetophone," an exact combination of musical expression by the phonograph with the reproduction of pictures on the film, after a successful trial performance some weeks ago at the Beethoven Saal in this city, was subsequently demonstrated before the Emperor at Ischl and called forth his most sincere admiration and interest. A particularly interesting production of the kind in the coming season will be entitled "Johann Strauss on the Beautiful Danube" and owes its origin to the Johann Strauss Memorial Committee, whose active and energetic founder, the well-known journalist, Siegfried Loewy, has made possible the accomplishment of this gigantic undertaking. The actors are many of them taken from the Court Theater, having received exceptional permission, and for the apotheosis Vienna's aristocracy, its social, scientific and artistic lights, have posed before the camera in the act of doing homage to the Wa1tz King." The film begins by showing Strauss as a small chap composing against his father's will; then comes his first concert at a popular suburban tavern, and after intermediate stages his final triumphant successes. The scenes are all faithfully reproduced from famous Old Vienna sites. Incidentally Professor Alfred Grünfeld will play his arrangement of the "Frühlingsstimmen" and Selma Kurz will sing another well-known Strauss waltz.
Between a strenuous concert season in the United States last Winter and that arranged for in the Winter that is coming, Charles de Harrack, the American pianist, took a flying trip to Norway and Sweden, playing at Summer resorts there, in Denmark and in Germany, and has settled down for a short space of quiet study in his favorite Baden, the lovely watering place within an hour's distance from Vienna. He found time, however, to take prominent part in a benefit concert on September 7 for raising a fund wherewith to erect a memorial to the recently deceased musical conductor at Baden, Hans Maria Wallner, and before leaving for home will he soloist at a concert in Baden of the Tonkünstler Orchestra under Oscar Nedhal.
Another American pianist, Henry Foote Perrin, of Atlanta, Ga., has come to Vienna for some months of earnest work in which he hopes to find solace for the recent loss of his mother.
The enrollment for the coming season at the Conservatory of Music has begun, but as yet only a few new American students have come under my notice. Some of the old students will not be back this Winter, having gone into the serious work of life to show what spurs they have won here. Among those who will be specially missed are Ina Goodwin, of Los Angeles; Bess Bradford, of Chicago; Albert Cbrnfeld, of Philadelphia, and May Lang, of Albany, who were heard with great pleasure now and then at the gatherings of the Musical Club last Winter. Ralph Lewando, of Boston, is back for another year’s work with Seveik.
C. M. Ziehrer, one of Vienna's best liked composers of the lighter class of music, was much honored yesterday on the occasion of his seventieth birthday and the fiftieth anniversary of his activity as musical conductor. At the Carl Theater in this city, where most of his operettas have first been heard, an informal celebration took place in the forenoon, at which most of Vienna's musical and journalistic lights were present and a number of deputations from prominent musical societies made congratulatory speeches. In the evening, at the same theater, the first production took place of his latest work, "Fürst Casimir," under his personal direction and was received with great favor. —ADDIE FUNK.

Paderewski's First New York Recital to Be in Æolian Hall Paderewski sailed from Cherbourg last Wednesday by the North German Lloyd steamship Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse and is due to arrive here next Tuesday. His work of the year will begin on Monday, October 13, when he gives a recital in Trenton. The following night, October 14, he will play in Jersey City. His first New York recital will be in Æolian Hall Saturday afternoon, October 18. Not since his very first recitals in New York in 1891 has it been possible for the musical public of this city to hear Paderewski play in the more intimate space of a small hall, for all his recitals have been in Carnegie Hall. In order to accommodate the public which will wish to hear him his later recitals in New York will be in Carnegie Hall, but his first recital in Æolian Hall should be something decidedly out of the ordinary.

Fritzi Scheff in Bankruptcy Proceedings Fritzi Scheff, the light opera prima donna, attended a meeting in the office of John J. Townsend, referee in bankruptcy, No. 45 Cedar street, New York, September 19, and said that the liabilities of $149,856 scheduled against her were partly personal and partly professional debts, and included some of the Fritzi Scheff Opera Company bills. None of the creditors of Miss Scheff appeared in person, and only a few were represented at all. Only four claims were filed, the amount of them being $3,161 for gowns and jewelry held by Miss Scheff. The schedules showed an interest in real estate at Big Stone Gap, Va., valued at $17,000 and mortgaged for $9,000 and now in process of foreclosure. The schedules also showed claims of $57,673 against the Fritzi Scheff Opera Company. Miss Scheff was at the meeting accompanied by her counsel, Nathan Burkan.

Edwin E. Wilde Appointed to Organist's Post in Providence PROVIDENCE, Sept. 23.—Through an error in the Providence notes of September 20 it was stated that Arnold Block had succeeded William Harkness Arnold, who recently died, as organist at St. Stephens’s Church. Mr. Block has been at the organ since Mr. Arnold's death and also during his illness, but Edwin E. Wilde, of Falmouth, Mass., will be the permanent organist at St. Stephens’s. Mr. Wilde is a pupil of .Edgar A. Barrell of New Bedford, Mass., and Dr. A. Madeley Richardson of New York. He will take up his new work here October 15.
Another new organist has just been engaged by the Beneficent Congregational Church in the person of John B. Archer, of Fort Wayne, Ind: Mr. Archer has been organist and choirmaster at the First Presbyterian Church in Fort Wayne for several years and was also conductor of the Apollo Club in that city.
Mrs. H. M. Owsley, soprano soloist at the Maple Avenue Church in St. Louis, who is also a former member of the Montreal Opera Company, having sung the leading roles in "Madama Butterfly" and "Louise," was the guest on Thursday of Mrs. Annie L. T. Jenks, who was formerly contralto soloist at the Church of Our Father in Pawtucket. Mrs. Osley, who is a pupil of Signor Massell, the husband of Nina Dimitrieff, will be under her teacher's management this season and she will probably be heard in recital either in Providence or Pawtucket.
In recognition of the Verdi centenary the Arion Club, under the direction of Dr. Jules Jordan, will give Verdi's Requiem Mass at its first concert. The other works to be given during the year are Sullivan’s "Golden Legend" and Pierne's "The Children's Crusade." —G. F. H.

Tenor Bardsley Makes Debut in Century Opera's "Gioconda" Still another of the Century Opera Company's force of tenors made a debut last week in John Bardsley, who was heard at the Wednesday evening performance of "Gioconda." The quality of his voice proved pleasing, but owing to his nervousness the general attitude of the press seemed to be that critical judgment should not be passed until the singer had a further hearing.

Mme. Rider-Kelsey and Mr. Cunningham in New York Recital Mme. Corinne Rider-Kelsey, the eminent soprano, and Claude Cunningham, the distinguished baritone, will give a joint recital at Carnegie Hall Sunday afternoon, November 2. The program will be most interesting, consisting of selections by French, German, Italian and English composers.

The Stuttgart Court Opera is to hold back its "Parsifal" première until Good Friday.


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