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Press Releases

7-day online gospel music marathon on Show4me

July 14, 2020 | By Show4me Events

Online Festival of Gospel Music launches on Show4me

LONDON, Jul. 14, 2020. Show4me Music Interaction Network, an online platform for musicians, music pros, and fans, has partnered up with One Nation Under God label to host an online festival of gospel music. Over the course of seven days, seven award-winning gospel musicians will perform a series of online concerts on show4me.com.

Each show is a crowdfunding-based event, meaning that there’s a minimum budget that has to be met with ticket sales for the show to proceed. All events will be broadcast on show4me.com using Show4me ticketed online show feature that has been introduced in April 2020.

The shows will take place daily at 7 PM EDT throughout July 27 to August 2, 2020. Each artist will perform one show. Show stars: 2018 Rhythm of Gospel Award recipient Ree, Calandra Gantt, Founder/CEO of SAVE Productions Valencia Brown, rapper Son of Faith, Clyde J, Donny Pomerlee, and reggae musician Chief Apostle.

More information about individual shows and tickets:

July 27: Clyde J concert

July 28: Ree concert

July 29: Chief Apostle concert

July 30: Son of Faith concert

July 31: Donny Pomerlee concert

August 1: Valencia Brown concert

August 2: Calandra Gantt concert

Show4me is a music interaction network for musicians, fans, and music professionals. It offers a collection of tools to run a solid music business via subscription earnings, music sales, and concert tickets.

Musicians and their teams can sell music (albums, EPs, singles) in their Artist clubs on Show4me, as well as tickets for online and offline shows and Artist club subscriptions (for just $1/year each fan gets unlimited listening of all of the musician’s music and the option to direct message the artist).

Show4me started in 2015 as a concert crowdfunding tool and has since expanded into a full-blown network. It’s currently working on adding on new features to be presented later in the year, including a mobile app for fans.

For more information about Gospel Music Marathon on Show4me, please email press@show4me.com.



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