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Press Releases
)) R.I.S.E. (( [a Brooklyn-based sound healing collective] releases debut album on June 10
WATCH “MESSAGE FROM THE MOON” (featuring art by Skylar Smith) HERE
)) R.I.S.E. (( is a Brooklyn-based collective made up of healing artists: Boshko Boskovic, Gabriel Wade and Rebecca Nison. )) R.I.S.E. (( is an acronym for Reiki-Infused Sound Experiences. Produced and released by Muse Music, their debut album, WAVES OF POSSIBILITY blends ambient sound, chanting, psychedelia, spoken word, and multilayered instrumentation. The album welcomes listeners into a sound sanctuary of vibrational harmonics and dreamy hypno-poetic messages. WAVES OF POSSIBILITY is about creative courage, the archetypal and spiritual human experience, energetic connectedness, and the cosmic mystery within all of us. Presenting a never-before-heard combination of vocal toning, laughter, and intentional breath, the five tracks that comprise WAVES OF POSSIBILITY layer the unique instrumentation of steel tongue drum, shruti box, electric guitar, bass, tingsha, children’s toys, and notebook pages, amongst others.
Of their debut album, the collective shares: “The process of creating this album was healing in our own right as well as permitting to amplify our own expression. We met weekly in Gabriel’s music studio in Park Slope, where we recognized that the process of recording meant we would need to be vulnerable while using our voices. When sitting in front of the microphone we had the courage to ask each other for the energetic healing support that helped us cross the threshold into our capacity to perform, to be seen and heard. The synergy of us three being there together became a powerful force that opened us to listening and feeling what was happening in our actual bodies.The practice of Reiki was integral to each recording session and we are grateful that we all met through Minka Brooklyn, a community-centered and spiritual-driven space for wellness and harmonious living”.
Flickering Chorus
Message from the Moon
Beam Me Up
The Sky is in the Ground, The Ground is in the Sky
This is Your Voice Speaking