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Press Releases

Jeffrey Biegel's 4th #StayAtHome Saturday Concert features David Foster premiere

April 1, 2020 | By Naturally Sharp Inc.

Classical livestream pioneer pianist, Jeffrey Biegel, performs the fourth #StayAtHome concert on Saturday, April 4 at 5pm EST on YouTube Live: His friend, composer/pianist/producer David Foster, releases his new recording 'Eleven', on April 3, and, Mr. Biegel will perform "Everlasting" from the new release As in the previous concerts 'at home', there will be several surprises, including Mr. Biegel's arrangement of "Hymne l'Amour", several relatively unknown compositions by George Gershwin, plus music by Giovanni Allevi, Enrique Granados, Frederic Chopin and more. On March 27, Mr. Biegel composed a "Waltz of Hope", and recorded it from home

"My fervent prayer for everyone around the world is to be safe from the wrath of the global viral pandemic, and that we all join together to stay as physically distant as possible to protect ourselves and those around us. Since we are not truly socially distant, thanks to technology, we must remain as physically distant as humanly possible. I wish everyone Godspeed and good health and pray we all make it to the other side of darkness."

In 1997, Mr. Biegel decided to start something new, in the form of the first classical video streaming event. In July 1997, he performed three times from Steinway Hall in New York City, to global audiences receiving the video stream for the first time. These recitals are preserved on YouTube at Mr. Biegel's YouTube channel 


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