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Press Releases

Chris Bezold’s Day Labor Original Score to be Released

April 29, 2024 | By Projection PR

Chris Bezold’s score to the upcoming action/thriller, Day Labor, is getting a digital release on May 3, 2024. The album consists of 21 original tracks. The film, directed by R. Ellis Frazier, is being distributed by Freestyle Releasing on VOD May 3, 2024. The film stars Amy Johnston, Danny Arroyo, Roberto Sanchez, Louis Mandylor, Corin Nemec, Gary Cairns, Chris Ashworth, and Kevin Gage. Bezold’s other credits include Netflix’s Larceny, Saban Films’ Repeater, Gravitas Venture’s Hustle Down and Samuel Goldwyn Films’ As Good As Dead. The score will be available on all major digital sites including Spotify, Amazon and Apple Music.

When discussing his work on the film Bezold says, “The Day Labor music is a highly thematic driven score. On every new project, I try to incorporate and introduce a new element I haven't used before. For Day Labor, the score features an old friend of mine playing bass guitar. The bass introduces both elements of tension and action, as well as captures the drama of the more emotional moments.”

Day Labor follows a Latino American Veteran looking for work who finds himself caught in a battle for survival after he is mistakenly dropped off at a private ranch in Texas to be hunted for sport.



Born and raised in San Diego, Chris Bezold is an American Composer of dramatic and thematic music for film, TV, and games.?? 

He is best known for his feature films As Good As Dead (2022), Legacy (2020), Hustle Down (2019), Your Move (2017), and Larceny (2016).

From the age of 5, Chris has been an avid drummer playing in numerous bands and ensembles throughout his youth. In his early twenties, he took up jazz piano and began composing music for a wide range of media and film studios in Los Angeles. 

Chris studied Music Production at Full Sail University and graduated in 2012 as Salutatorian.

He was awarded the highest honor of his graduating class, the "Advanced Achievement Award." 

Chris is also a veteran who served six years in the U.S. Army CA National Guard. Today, he resides in San Diego, California where he enjoys runs on the beach and good coffee.


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