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Press Releases

Young Concert Artists Announce 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

May 17, 2022 | By Unison Media
Alexis Arnold


Young Concert Artists Announce 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

New York, NY - For Immediate Release Young Concert Artists (YCA) is pleased to announce the organization’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan and launch of its new YCA Artist Fellowship program. This plan is the result of a 14-month process, led by a 12-member committee made up of YCA Board members, staff, and artists. Drawing upon more than 75 individual interviews, artist and alumni surveys, multiple areas of inquiry, and extensive discussions, the Strategic Plan offers a bold and ambitious path to carry YCA’s vision and mission into the future.

Said YCA President Daniel Kellogg of the new Strategic Plan: "Young classical musicians face an ever-growing set of challenges as they each strive to develop meaningful and sustainable career paths. Modern artists need to be more than simply gifted, highly trained musicians - they must also be cultural ambassadors who share musical experiences that reflect the beauty and diversity of the world around them. For over 60 years YCA has discovered extraordinary young musicians, providing them with the support, clarity, and confidence to tell their stories, as well as with the tools, opportunities, and infrastructure to take their careers to the highest level. YCA will build upon our singular history by empowering the brilliant young artists of today to acquire the transformational experiences and skills they need to lead careers of importance, so they can truly impact the future of classical music."

You can find YCA’s full strategic plan for 2022-2025 HERE

Starting with the 2022 YCA Susan Wadsworth International Auditions, YCA will expand its mentorship and career development work for the newest musicians on their roster, including the launch of the YCA Artist Fellowship. This three-year transformative program is designed to take artists to new levels of confidence and creative growth, offering a holistic combination of digital tools, training, mentorship, community engagement, project development, and performance opportunities. The program teaches artists how to develop their own unique musical and artistic voice, encouraging them to expand their personal boundaries so they can continue to move the art form forward into the future.

YCA Artist Fellowship program will include:  

  • The 21st Century Artist Incubator – A 14-month intensive artist training program.
  • Alumni Mentoring
  • Education and Community Engagement - in depth training 
  • Expanded Digital Portfolio
  • YCA on Tour – chamber music tours featuring multiple artists
  • Special Projects - individualized for each artist
  • Artist Management - individualized & comprehensive for each artist
  • Debut concerts in New York City and Washington, DC



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